October 3, 1868

On this day, October 3, 1868, Jens and little sister Dusine leave New York with the passengers delayed during quarantine. A missionary by the name of F. C. Anderson was returning home from a mission and was assigned to bring the delayed group to Utah.

I arrived this morning. The company (sixty Danes, who were left back sick) start Oct. 3d. They will reach the terminus in ten days.

Below is a list of those in the company.

Record of team sent from Salt Lake to assist with the “60 odd poor saints in care of F.C. Andersen”

The terminus of the railroad had moved from Benton, Wyoming to Green River, Wyoming. Jens and Dusine would reach Green River on the 13th, with not as far to walk as their siblings.

September 25, 1868October 13, 1868

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