Denmark to Utah


Jens Pedersen Thorsted was born April 13, 1815 in Snedsted, Denmark. Ane Kristine Jensdatter Boesen was born May 11, 1824 in nearby Elsted, Denmark. They married December 26, 1843, with their first child Karen born November 1844.

The Jens Pedersen Thorsted family was living in Snedsted, Thisted, Denmark as of 1860. Ane Kristine, the mother, by 1860 had 7 living children. Jens Thorsted was a farmer and landowner. By 1868 the family had grown to 10 living children, 2 children died while very young.

Ane Kristine Jensen joined the Mormon church in 1861. Her daughter Bodil joined in 1866 and son Jens joined in 1867.

The oldest daughter Karen married in January of 1868.

I’m sure the decision to move the family to America was a difficult decision. Some family had already traveled to America, but leaving the only land you know must have been hard decision. Nevertheless, 150 years ago in June of 1868 the family prepared to leave Denmark. The family had saved up and paid $1,042 to cover the trip for the whole family to Utah.

This family photo was taken in Aalborg in 1868, with Karen, the oldest daughter, is not pictured as she had recently married. Click on the photo to see a tagged photo of each family member.

Jens Pedersen Thorsted & Family

Starting June 13, 1868 the family started their journey. October 29, 1868 the last of the family arrived in Utah. The following posts will document the journey made by the family 150 years to the day. Stay tuned.

June 13, 1868

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