June 13, 1868

On this day, Saturday June 13, 1868, at 7:30 pm, the steamship Hansia leaves Copenhagen with 630 Saints onboard. There was a little difficulty with the local police when trying to leave due to a few emigration issues, but all were able to continue. The following day, the 14th of June, the Thorsted family saw the last of Denmark as they passed the Hanstholm Lighthouse.

Hans Jorgenson wrote the following in his journal, “The 13th of June 1868 Pres. C Widerborg … called to order whereupon he gave suitable instructions for our journey. 5 o’clock in the afternoon we all went on board the steamer Hansia … and after the Saints from Malmo, Sweden led by John Faferburg, had come on board, we started for England 7 1/2 o’clock in the evening in a beautiful weather. On the 14th I saw old Skagen for the last time. We had a good passage across the North Sea, but I was nevertheless very seasick.”

Hans Jensen Hals wrote the following, “Saturday, June 13, 1868–The emigrating Saints, 630 in number, went on board the steamship “Hansia” at Copenhagen, Denmark, which sailed for England. Previous to sailing President Carl Widerborg came on board and named me as leader for the company. I was accepted by unanimous vote. A number of police officers, the emigration agent, and several of the brethren accompanied us to Elsinore. Owing to the large company on board we were very much crowded for room.

Sunday, 14–We passed Laeso and Skagen and the last we saw of Denmark [p.7] was the Hanstholm Lighthouse.”

The Thorsted family must have planned for this trip as they were able to save money to pay for passage. Many converts in Europe borrowed money in the Perpetual Emigration Fund to pay for their journey. Here is an image of record book where the family is listed with the money they paid. You might notice the father Jens Peder Thorsted is crossed out and money refunded. More on that later……

IntroductionJune 16, 1868

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