August 11, 1868

On this day August 11, 1868, the Emerald Isle docks at Castle Garden, New York after 6 weeks of ocean travel. The ship was immediately placed in quarantine. Castle Garden was the immigration center until 1890 when Ellis Island became the main entry point. The process of entry into America was pretty simple then, almost everyone who came to Castle Garden was admitted entry. Years later most would become naturalized citizens.

Castle Garden

Hans Jensen Hals

Tuesday, 11–To our great joy and delight we saw land in the morning, and later a tug boat met us to take us in. This inspired the passengers with life and new hope. We buried the two children who had died the previous day in the sea. I made a visit through the ship in the interest of cleanliness and wrote letters. We passed Sandy Hook, soon after which the doctor and quarantine officers came on board. Upwards of 30 of our sick passengers were take on shore in a steamer and placed in hospital. The first mate who got mad and picked a quarrel with the captain was arrested and confined to his own room.

Hans Jorgenson

About daybreak on the 11th of August, 1868, we to our great joy saw the land for which we so long a time had been longing. Having now been on the deadly ship 7 weeks and 3 days, we all felt to thank God our deliverer that he had spared our lives and permitted us to see the land of which we had so great hopes and anticipations. We were quarantined 3 days outside of New York and on the 14th we were permitted to put our feet on American soil.

Deseret News Article reporting arrival of Emerald Isle

In the Deseret News the next day this short detail about the arrival, sent my H.B. Clawson to Brigham Young from New York. Over 40 emigrants were sent to the hospital.

Telegraph note from HB Clawson to Brigham Young

I believe the Thorsted family was separated at this time. The family members who were sick, which included the mother Ane, young Peder, Ane Catherine, and Lauritz, where taken to Ward’s Island hospital, while the rest were processed through Castle Garden with the rest of the passengers. The older Peter, Bodil, Christian, Otto as well as Jens and Dusine are moved up the Hudson river to a warehouse where they awaited transportation. Jens & Dusine would ultimately stay with the sick family members and leave a few weeks later. Being separated, the four who continued on would never see their mother and three siblings again.

Hans Jensen Hals

Friday, 14–I went to Castle Garden and received the emigrants who were landed from the Emerald Isle. After passing through the general routine at the landing offices, we boarded two steamboats which took us a couple of miles up the river to a large shed by the railway station, where we commenced to weigh the baggage and make other preparations for the overland journey.

July 17, 1868August 17, 1868

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